Stress Urinary Incontinence is More Common Than You Think

I was recently surprised to learn that 53% of women in the U.S. over the age of 20 suffer from some type of urinary incontinence. And even more surprised to learn that 36% of young female athletes (with no kids) experience involuntary leakage. I became familiar with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) for the first time while jumping on a trampoline with my first kid. I have not been on a trampoline since. Friends joked about it. I joked about it. But it isn’t actually funny. If you are experiencing any type of urinary incontinence, discuss your symptoms with your doctor. If your doctor thinks pelvic core strengthening can be helpful, please consider it. And if you are not experiencing SUI please do your best to prevent it by keeping your pelvic floor strong.

Evolve Wellness is now offering a small women’s class (maximum 3 people) focusing on pelvic floor and core strengthening and balance exercises.

Women's Pelvic Floor, Core and Balance Class


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