Can You Build Muscle After 50?

Yes, you can! Granted, it may not be as easy as it may have been years ago, but with the right habits you can alter your body composition and become stronger and healthier.

For optimal muscle growth in our later years, we need to consider the following four things:


A regular exercise program that includes strength training is essential for muscle growth. I encourage my clients to strength train at least 3 times a week.


You need to make sure you are eating enough nutrient dense calories, including high quality protein, healthy carbohydrates and fats. Hydration is also important.


So many important things happen while we sleep. 7-9 hours of sleep each night should be your priority.


If you suspect a hormonal imbalance that is not significantly improved with the above (or if hot flashes are hindering your sleep), please see your doctor to discuss your hormones!

I am now offering small group training for women (maximum 3 people). Mondays/Wednesdays/Saturdays 7:00am-7:45am and Tuesdays/Thursdays/Sundays at 10:30-11:15. These classes include mobility, flexibility, strength training and high intensity interval training. Women's Group Class Sign Up

If you are not sure you are ready for a group class, for the month of April I am happy to offer 50% off an initial personal training session. For $37.50 you get one 45 minute private session that includes your history, physical assessment and proper movement patterning to help prepare you for the women’s group class. SPRING DEAL


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